My first expereince with Laurent went well- I was able to soothe him by waltzing while singing joni mitchell and ella fitzgerald. Once he calmed down, I played some obscure Australian pop which he enjoyed. I've surmised that infants aren't too hard.
Amelie was another story. She's a little shy and cried when I squeezed in next to her in the car. But once I established that my favorite color was also pink and we shared enthusiasm for My Little Pony, I was accepted.

Contrary to what some people think, changing "nappies" is not a problem for me. After volunteering at the Suncoast bird refuge in Tampa where cleaning Pelican poo, dead fish and other unmentionable delicacies lead to a two week long case of scabies, changing diapers is a welcome task.
Falling in love:
I never really understood this concept of falling in love with a baby. His deep brown eyes, the warmth of his little hand, and the fact that he doesn't blink must've contributed to swelling I felt in my heart. He's a wonderful little one. I'm so impressed with the amount he advances on a daily basis. I'm so impressed by the way he calms down when I perform a certain vocal exercise. I'm so impressed with his babyness and ability to communicate.
Amelie is another story. Her favorite word is "no" and she is constantly in want of things ranging from endless bubble blowing sessions to incessant viewings of Dora the Explorer. I suppose this is typical of a child her age and in fact I should be grateful becuase of her good manners and generally positive disposition. We have had some good bonding experiences and to be honest, I'm a sucker for her "play" breakfast when she awakes me in the morning.
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