Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gymboree and Tierpark

Last Wednesday I attended Amelie's Gymboree. Even though the group was for English speakers I felt like an alien- completely out of place in a world full of children, babies and mommies. This feeling intensified when I was mistaken for the mommy of Laurent. "Oh no! He's not mine. I'm just holding him for my sister," I said. Interacting with one child is fine, but it takes an extra sense to be aware of all the 2 footers running around on the floor. I tried so hard not to step on them.

I chatted for a bit with one of the American mothers. Its very difficult to make small talk on little known subjects without liquid encouragement. On the spot, I racked my mind for the things one is supposed to discuss about babies, like how many months, their weight, changing nappies... I couldn't think of many things to say about a person that does nothing but eat, sleep and poo besides the adjectives of cute and adorable. I'm hoping that in a months time his capabilities will expand and I'll have more to discuss.

When it was time to sing songs I actually jumped at the chance of sitting alone on the couch with the sleeping Laurent. I had thought this would be my favorite activity but in fact I was overwhelmed by all the children. Baby steps in Nannyland.

After Gymboree, we went for a walk down to the Tierpark (animal park) with Stephanie's friend and her two year old daughter. We brought a bag of chestnuts to feed the reindeer. Its really quite amazing to hand feed this mythical (to a Floridian) animal. Unfortunately the father was not up for receiving treats from two screaming toddlers and three woman in giant coats. It would have been splendid to see his antlers separated by just a chainlink fence.

Next stop in the Tierpark was the flamingo pond. Really quite surprising to find flamingos in near freezing weather. We talked to the keeper who explained that flamingos are fine in the cold until the water freezes- then they run the risk of breaking their legs.

There were plenty more animals to see at the Tierpark, however our hunger surmounted any desire to see them. We took lunch by the river and then made our way home.

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