Just when I was about to commit the final act of desperation i.e. posting an ad on Craigslist, I was invited out by a nearly random stranger.
God bless my neighbor who passed my number on to her friend's son, V last month. After two weeks of a silent phone, I gave up on the slight chance that a random guy would drive to the ends of the earth to take out some forlorn American.
But, he ended up coming through and I was most pleasantly surprised.
V picked me up for a night on the town with some mates. My first impression was extremely positive- his stereo played local hip hop in the vein of Spank Rock. It turns out his taste in music is keenly similar to mine, a rare and highly valued quality in my book. As my father says, "music is vibration- common interest is common vibration."
Not only was V a gentleman, his friends were quite the party. Comprised of designers, students, and hipsters, they lacked nothing in the spontaneity department. I didn't even have to be overly amicable to gain their favor.
A hot summer's night in Cape Town is sultry and balmy- a prescription for late night shenanigans such as drum circles, last call at psychedelic pizzerias and skinny dips with (near) strangers.
I can't tell you how happy I felt the next evening when I joined V and his crew for another jaunt. After sixth months sans Gainesville (more-so, anyone who identifies as the same brand of crazy), its so relieving to fall in with a great bunch. That night, a similar string of events ensued concluding with dancing at a lesbian bar in the pink district. Next weekend's activity: an overnight electronic music festival.
I think my fever has finally broke.
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